Training is an investment. That is a common phrase, but training is not always a common practice. Our goal at GreenSweep is to provide ongoing growth and development opportunities for all team members. We conduct weekly safety meetings and brief trainings during the growing season with our entire field staff. We also spend an entire day with our Crew Leaders every winter discussing various subject matters to help them become better at their role.

This year with company growth and COVID precautions, our approach to Crew Leader Training Day was a bit different. We set up four different stations to cover topics such as equipment maintenance, horticultural techniques, and software how-to. Splitting into smaller groups limited the number of people gathered in one area and helped drive engagement in employees. We found employees were more willing to speak up, participate, and ask questions in the small group setting. With more prep work and planning than ever before, our management staff was equipped to stay focused and present relevant information on their topic. Our Crew Leaders rotated between all stations throughout the day so they would get exposure to everything they might need a refresher on. We also came away with ideas for new employee training and thoughts on how to improve upon next years training day.

We received positive feedback from our Crew Leaders and are already seeing them adhere to procedures out in the field and apply the knowledge and skills reviewed during Training Day. It was a cold January day, but we are confident the success of this event will continue during the season!
Morning Huddle Proper Pruning Vehicle Maintenance Mobile Job + Time Entry HR & Policies TEAMWORK Plant ID Around HQ Equipment Maintenance RTB!